UCL Medical Physics Department

1 job(s) at UCL Medical Physics Department

UCL Medical Physics Department London, UK
Full time
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) have awarded funding to the CRUK City of London (CoL) Centre to create a CRUK Radiation Research Unit (RRU). The unit will feature an ambitious research programme for radiation oncology and radiation biology called RadNet. This network, is CRUK’s largest ever investment in radiotherapy research, is aimed to accelerate the development of advanced radiotherapy techniques, challenging the boundaries of this mainstay treatment through world-first exploratory projects. We are seeking a Principal Database Architect (Engineer) whose main objective is to create and manage a complex and comprehensive electronic database. The post holder will be based at UCL Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering and will be expected to regularly visit the partner institutions (Barts, King’s and the Crick, and their respective clinical sites). The database will be created by collating multi-parametric electronic data from specific cohorts of patients with cancer who have undergone radiotherapy, from several UK hospitals. Data will be accessed by multi-disciplinary researchers within the RadNet consortium to answer clinical research questions using developed analytical tools. The post holder will liaise with the RadNet community to manage an efficient and effective platform. This is an ambitious undertaking that requires a highly skilled individual with expertise, drive and vision to bring to fruition. This position is initially funded till 31st October 2024.in the first instance. Candidates must have a Bachelors degree in a computational, mathematical, physical sciences or engineering subject or equivalent experience. A Masters in Data Science, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Health Informatics or Computing related field is desirable. Advanced experience with data processing, management and statistical packages such as SQL, R, STATA, Python and BASH with the ability to elicit and validate requirements as well as scripting, debugging and improving scripts and experience of Mac / PC / Linux system administration. Job Description & Person Specification can be access through the 'How to Apply' link.   For informal enquiries about the role please contact Prof Gary Royle (g.royle@ucl.ac.uk) For enquiries regarding the application process, please contact the City of London Radnet project manager Michelle Craft at m.tu@ucl.ac.uk