Different people think of career success in different ways, but ultimately the final destination is landing success. Getting a long-dreamt role is what few people take as success while few others love achieving work-life balance for turning to a successful career and the list continues.
However, the desire to learn and grow should be the major aspect for everyone to ultimately succeed. It’s not so easy for anyone to achieve a career of their wants, but long standing and effortful prospects promote them to be perfect professionals.
Here are tips for moving up in your career, irrespective of the sector or field you choose.
Create a Digital Presence
Try portraying a strong digital presence as an integral part of success. Surveys reveal most employers screen potential candidates by looking at their social profiles. And don’t get into surprise with the figures, almost 70% of the companies follow this policy.
You may be a freelancer in any profession, why not display your work portfolio in detail, on social platforms such as Linkedin? As a fulltime employee, it’s not different and goes the same way of showcasing works related to different projects carried.
Stand on Values
Determining proper values comes on the front end, especially while performing IT Jobs. You also need to be able to recognize when your current position or company goes against them. You can’t be compromising on values or challenging them.
It doesn’t matter while switching jobs or taking the leap of faith to become your own boss, but it’s important to understand your professional values. Always stay committed to sticking with them as your career evolves.
Continue Networking
You should be keen on developing a network with strong personalities in the market, while increasing knowledge on your domain. Networking may be intimidating for few but remember that it doesn’t have to be scary.
You can grow your career successfully step by step, as you get to know people around you who can guide you better. For instance, if you are into Tech Jobs, you need to improve networking skills as a techie although your domain is different. Multiple skills do help hugely.
Change Careers if required
An average person changes careers three to seven times over the course of their professional lives, in developed nations like the USA. There’s nothing irrational if you make moves. However, it can also help you get from where you are to where you want to go.
Careers switch may be across different fields, and it all matters on how passionate you are about the future role which is quite similar to relative. Most people are known to change professions if they are unlikely to work for a role they don't wish to have.
Embrace Feedback
A career is a constant learning experience, even when you feel like you’ve made it to the top. That’s because there is always room for improvement. Feedback isn’t a scary thing, as it just restricts someone's opinions or views.
Our brain’s negativity bias can trick us into thinking feedback is a bad thing while constructive criticism is an inevitable part of anyone’s career. Instead of associating feedback with negativity, think of it as an investment in your growth and eventual professional success.